The STS Star Awards

At Severn Trent Services, we like to reward excellence among our staff. We’ve recently launched a new initiative – the Star Awards – to recognise those who go the extra mile. Mike Williamson –Managing Director of Severn Trent Services – offers his unique take on the event:

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Severn Trent’s LGBTQ+ advisory group chair speaks with pride

The beady eyed amongst you will have noticed that the Severn Trent logo has been lit up like a rainbow throughout the month of June. This is to reflect Pride Month 2022 and Severn Trent’s support for the LGBTQ+ community inside and outside of the organisation.

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Five handy tips for water saving week

For water saving week, we wanted to share five handy tips for saving water around the home and garden.

Tip #1 – Take showers instead of baths

An average bath uses around 80 litres of water, whereas an average shower (around seven and a half minutes) uses around 60 litres. A four-person household could save as much as £60 on energy bills and a further £60 on water bills every year.

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Severn Trent’s very own St George

The story of England’s patron saint in his battle against the legendary dragon is an iconic as his red and white flag. But like many early saints very little is known of the details of his life be that fact or fiction.

We would like to share a legendary story of our own St George which is totally fact…

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How Severn Trent Services is investing in our planet – Earth Day 2022

Today is Earth Day 2022.

A day where individuals and organisations raise awareness of what’s being done – and what needs to be done – to drive positive action for the planet.

This year, the theme is ‘Invest In Our Planet’.

We spoke to Dan Mcardle, Head of Water Services Contacts. And Jemma Jones, Environment and Implementation Manager – to learn about some of the things Severn Trent Services is doing to invest in the planet.

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If the Cap Fits – Wear a Hat Day 25th March 2022

Which hat do you wear? Manager? Employee? Father? Mother? Brother? Sister? Uncle? Aunt? All of these at once?

There are dozens of roles within Severn Trent, many of them require us to wear a different hat. There are hundreds of tasks we undertake every day and each one is different.

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Global Recycling Day – 18th March 2022

Global Recycling Day was created in 2018 to recognise the importance recycling plays in preserving the future of our planet. The Global Recycling Foundation believe that recycling is a global issue and to think of the planet as resources, not waste.

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Why Veganuary can be good news for the environment

Q: How do you know if someone’s a vegan?

A: Don’t worry, they’ll tell you about it regularly

There’s a somewhat outdated stereotype of vegans (which we’ve just reinforced with that joke) that they can be somewhat self-righteous, not to mention fond of informing people of their dietary choices.

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