Helen Kickstarts Her Severn Trent Career

The Kickstart scheme was designed to help 16-24 year-olds gain work experience, alongside participating in employability training in order to prevent the possibility of long-term-unemployment. With the unemployment rate for those aged 16-24 reaching 14.3% during the pandemic, this could not have been initiated at a better time. Severn Trent committed to take on 500 young people in November 2020, with Severn Trent CEO Liv Garfield describing the scheme as “brilliant.”

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Water Hygiene Newsletter – August 2021

The August Water Hygiene Newsletter is here! This month we provide updates on re-opening facilities after COVID shutdowns, Sidestream filtration systems, and our incredible NPS results! We also learn from Lewis Hugil, one of our Operations Supervisors, about how he manages to keep so many plates spinning! If you’d like to receive these updates every month, sign up to our email newsletter by contacting: communications@stservices.co.uk

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